Vanilla Bean Rawnola | Emmy's Organics

Vanilla Bean Rawnola

Vanilla Bean Rawnola by @thekindcoconut

Serves 2 cups

Prep time: 5 minutes



  1. Add everything to a food processor and pulse into small chunks for about 1-2 minutes. Leave 2 Emmy's Organics Vanilla Bean Coconut Cookies aside. Make sure not to over blend or it will make a thick sticky batter.
  2. Transfer the chunks to a jar. Crumble your last 2 cookies into the mix. Serve over smoothie bowls, oats, with non-dairy milk, or enjoy as is! 
  3. Store in an airtight container in the fridge or in the pantry for up to 2 weeks.

Vanilla Bean Rawnola | Emmy's Organics

Vanilla Bean Rawnola | Emmy's Organics

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